What is chondrosarcoma? What are types of Chondrosarcoma? And How is chondrosarcoma treatment in India?

Chondrosarcoma is a kind of bone cancer which develops in cartilage (cushioning material around bones). It is the second most common primary bone cancer. It usually occurs in adults and elderly age group. Types of Chondrosarcoma: Chondrosarcoma can arise de novo – primary chondrosarcoma. Chondrosarcoma can also develop from pre-existing bone tumours like enchondroma, Osteochondroma and these are called secondary Chondrosarcomas. Secondary chondrosarcoma is usually of low grade. Sometimes, chondrosarcoma may change it’s character and take an aggressive form of De-diffrentiated Chondrosarcoma Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma is another very high grade form of chondrosarcoma What are symptoms of chondrosarcoma? Patient may feel pain or sense of discomfort around the involved bone which may gradually worsen with time. Sometimes , patient may also feel a swelling or lump around the involved bone. When it has arisen from a pre existing osteochondroma, patient may feel increase in the size of the b...